Lol Ns!
true... but iadded Worthogs to make it look like its supost to be riden on...
if you look in both bases there's a Wort hog and i ran out of money..caz i didnt use the inf money glich
o on this one you can still hear the noise perfectly fine and to the guy above me ty for the info
no i put in alitte amount of coils in there so it doesnt but just anof so it does keep blowing up
Name: Two Bases This is my Second map ive ever made! enjoy! Game Type Suggestions: Lone Wolf Team Slayer Assault (the bomb plant thing) CTF...
wow nice picture i like the darkness 4/5
no ad fence but its nothing special
ahh thats alright atleast you were honest and not rude about it
yeah it was just the first thing that came to be caz i saw his arm and im like whatever
yeah i got that pic on Soc Big team i stuck some guys weel on his mongoose ^^
Master Cheif has chooen to be Superman now! [IMG] Bungie pic: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing please rate...
honest i just got back into Halo and the controlls are alot different then Battle Field , COD 4 ect and the snipeing in Battle Field is ALOT...
you don't copy and past here ill show you how it looks it pretty self explanatory [IMG] Gamertag: YOUR GAMER TAG THAT THE FILE IS SAVED UNDER...
THANKS! man thats grate thanks soooo much!
pay atten to Hardipk5 (my gamertag) rate this video please! here or at Bungie Wach Video at Bungie : Community : Forum Topic...
ok well im trying my best to make new maps ect and i need to get objects in the sky (i use the save method thing) and im wondering whats the best...
yeah but you have to remember hes kinda new to it (no offense) hes kinda clueless i know i was when i started all this
wow worked perfecty fine for me... try going to this URL MSN Autos Dream, Design, Drive Challenge and click Micosft points Learn more and log in...
well its the coolist death pic IVE ever tooken