I just searched it up to find if the idea was taken already, and from what I can tell, it hasn't. so here it is: If you've ever seen the...
im not really trrying to flame anybody, im trying to make you see you could save your time by not doing it at all. i mean, weapon lowering would...
well dont come cryin to me when your little boycott becomes an EPIC FAIL. Theres n point to this boycott, i mean look at the RvB reconstruction...
just in case none of you delve into the depths of bungie.nets forums, like i do. ill give you a little excerpt from some of the forums ive read....
hey no need to be a downer here, but im an avid bungie.net user, and unless all of you NEVER BOTHER TO READ THEIR FORUMS. They CANNOT, AND...
that would be a great idea! if anyone would like to start building this with/for me that would be perfect. im not good with this kinda stuff....
I. Have. No. Freaking. Idea. IHNFI!!!
haha great screenshot! im not very good at this kinda stuff, so i like to see what other ppl do. so this is called perspective?:confused:
I have floated around the hub for a month or two before joining, but now im glad i did. P.S. HI EVERYBODY P>S>P>S>P>S>P>S... bye.
a new gun design that shoots exactly 29 of every single form of projectile that can hurt you in halo 3 :)
seriosly, im not going to not play halo three on its first anniversary, im a machinimator myself, but you could do it on something like bungie day...
i think i have herd about a new map pack, i cant remember what it was called, something begining with an "I" or "S" but i read about it in bungie...
if this is true, i wonder what tis will be distributed as, an update for halo 3, or acompletely new disk you have to buy and install, or an xbox...
lawlz... this is funny. sooooo many ppl tell me screenshots get you recon... this is perfect.
ok i have a second map for testing in the map testing section called Zombicopter, check it out.
this was really fun. i herded together a few of my friends and taught them what to do. (they were clueless:lol:) we had a great time last night....
this was great! i got really frustrated with the first part, so i Quit and called in some friends. we got to abou the part where you get the grav...
1st Map I have a baisic concept and construction of the 1st map here called Garbage Warrior Check it out
great improvements i like it.