Or they could ditch the name entirely, like Harvey/Twoface. o.o
Madness. D:
Well, no one likes Australia, since you only get two extra units. I always try to occupy it first, though, since it's so easy to defend, only one...
It'd be cool if you slid down and then a ramp jumped you toward some scoring whatevarness, which you'd have to aim to hit to get points or...
If you're into RPGs, World Ends With You is one of the best I've ever played and happens to be on DS.
Except he didn't. When everyone scrambles off to rescue the two, Batman says he's going after...uh...what's-her-name. The whole point is that...
Epic magic trick was one of the best parts. It was a bit disturbing how funny they made a psychopath murderer. >_> I don't really care though. Too...
...Recondouken? D:
Hadouken. D:
To screw with people's heads, geez. >_>
I use an elite sometimes. But I typically use Sparta. EVA helmet for the ultimate win.
The problem doesn't lie in Christianity. Christianity is mainly about peace, it has a "Don't be an asshole and things will work out" mentality. I...
Oshi- I didn't see that there. I'm used to Invisionfree where the delete button is right next to quote and stuff. d: Anyway, I did indeed start a...
Hay, guess what? I'm back with an ENTIRELY NEW PROBLEM! Awesome, m i rite? I'm problematic. Perhaps even problemtastic. Problemriffic. So I built...
Woah. O_o The epicness is many. Wallpaper'd.
I knew there were start points but I couldn't find them so I figured I was mistaken. d: Never thought Slayer would be special. Thanks.
So I've screwed around alot in Forge with friends. We don't do anything special at all. We float stuff with the box method, we make random bases,...
Hi. This topic is to alert you to my existence and presence. You may now worship me, as I am god of all that is awesome. No lies. o.o