This is really kick ass! I'll be getting ****ing Soul Caliber, and some other arcade content now!
**** yeah, another Spore fan! I haven't made anything really yet though.... The game is going to rock!
Text: EternalEnemy Come play, come play kill. Just be. Render:...
Whats wrong with the poop song! lol The reason I chose Saren is not because of difficulty, it is because of the the emotional impact of how you...
Hmmm, best boss battle huh? Conker's Bad Fur Day - The Poop Monster, LOL! Mass Effect - Saren Final Battle SW:KOTOR - Malak Shadow of The...
Yeah, three was good, but it was the worst of the series. The only SW character I am looking forward to is The Apprentice from The Force Unleashed.
Hey check out my thred in the videos section man! (Bleach AMV) (Inuyasha AMV) Tell me how ya like them in...
lol, thanks for the warm welcome.
I hope I do to man!
I think Mass Effect's ending is the best, because of its emotional attachments to the characters and the world around them.
I did post one thing in another thread, but I decided to post a full thing in this.. I'm EternalEnemy, a former Kojima's Elites member, (AZN...
I may be new, but I figured why not start a thread about a kick ass game and introduce myself at the same time! Anyone who is fan should be...