DAMN. First thought that came into being. This is a mighty pleasing map you have, good sir. The layout looks tight, and oddly reminiscent of...
Wow. This map has gone through a lot of changes since I tested on it, way back in January (I think). Overall flow seems the same, and I'm glad to...
Now THIS (is Sparta?) was a fun map to test. I like the changes you've made since RC5 (BTW I feel forgotten :P) There were some pretty damn...
This map is pretty flippin' awesome. I felt like I was back on Delta Halo, the architecture is damn near perfect and the "Prophet" is a nice...
Looks good for a symmetrical, arena-type map. Most of the ones I've seen are trash. Looks like a combo of Warlock and Foundation from H2, which...
This map has a Tree!!! Instant feature!! hahaha is that old yet? Anyway, the map looks aesthetically pleasing, the forging is nice and tight, and...
Hey Michael, great map! I still dont like the rocks much, but like youve said the struts are too thick and you cant have as many on the map. Im...
Dude, as soon as I played Boardwalk, then went through the campaign, I always thought this part of the level would have been much better than...
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-mlg-maps/110479-veridian.html Veridian by Atticus. It is a superb map, with well thought out geometry and no...
There is a lot of drama bs or whatever going on about how this looks like Vanilla, so I figured I would throw my two cents in about it. While this...
This map plays very smooth, I testeed it out on a 4 player FFA Slayer game today. I love the maps design and the tree creates a great atmosphere,...
Dude. Uber Epic signature. :)
this is extremely well done, especially for a first race map! this is big praise from me cuz I never play race maps. You have my DL but im on a...
This post is not up to ForgeHub Standards please fix it. Others do not need to post about his error after this or it will be considered an...
The map looks decent, but my question is why do you want to re-make Gaurdian, a map that everyone has and cant get rid of?
Looks pretty cool. Ill DL
Lol. Your grammar is not up to English standards. Please read a book, then reply. ;D
Has nobody else noticed that the fence walls are FLOATING not just sitting there?
Maybe in a v2 you could make the hill encompass only the area that those doors encompass? 4/5 otherwise
I think the "sloppy" merging was purposeful, right? And I think that you should 2 of the BRs 1 spare clip and one Shotty 1 spare clip just too...