I'm a bit disappointed my favourites Whiplash, Fail Valley and Fail Sands are overlooked for 'Mario Kart' types.
Customs are dead outside this site. It's either social, COD, or crap.
Best map ever. Seriously. PENGUINOCALYPSE, If you're interested, I've made a version of Fail Sands with Day/Evening/Night transitions via timed...
Oval tracks and realistic tracks are the most fun and produce the best racing. Nice work forging it, my only concern is the lack of barriers. If...
Nice work penguinocalypse! Keep up these believable racetracks! What league do you run in?
Great idea for a map, hoping you would make this. Have you got a Mythic code?
I like this map. Only things are it needs more lighting somehow and the banking could be steeper.
Are there any decent alternatives to TGIF? I'm looking for something with a few racetracks, casual maps and minigames. It would have to be on...
Has anyone seen any good 'believable' race tracks. I'm looking for a change from the endless 'Shield Door Elevators' 'Loop the Loops' and 'Banked...
There's a lot to be said for people taking classic maps and bringing them up to the latest forging standards and this map maker has done just...
Hey Linubidix, can you re-upload The Lobby for me? I have a wicked idea for a Juggernaut variant on a map like that.
You beat me to it! I was thinking of trying something like this, I was trying to make it for like the Air Race using Radio Antennae as pylons, but...
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. When you geo-glitch movable objects do they become immovable? Also I used the barriers and dumpsters to give...
That happens at the real track. The deforming barriers.
Thanks for the welcome, we're not master forgers, yet. Can you please tell me how to fix the links.
Xtreme Karting Created by HoW Jones, deathman1212 and HoW Monty Supported Gametypes: RACETRACKS, Karting and Bungie 500. Map Description The...
It's basically a fight between MLG Settings and Default settings. Whatever wins is the better gametype. This is my first posting, would be good...
Update NEW VERSION: IMPROVED SCORING SYSTEM! Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
The map looks very sloppy next to Fail Valley, Wall Rider or even Bungie 500. Would it kill you to interlock?
No more arguments about whether or not MLG settings are superior to Default settings. Finally the fight between AR or BR, 4 Shot or Spray'n'Pray,...