this is a neat map, you should modify it a little to make it playable
that's hilarious
I downloaded this map last night, i have to say, it is amazing. I love your creativity. Thanks for the good laugh :D
those are very good! you should do spiderman now.
that color splash one is sweet, how'd you do it?
thanks, that wraith shot one looks cool
yea pretty easy, i just did it with the turret, found out like 30 seconds after the map came out
master chief is going to land on the planet that we saw in the end of halo 3, most likely it's marathon, he will meet up with the three spartans...
I agree, keep the regular SWAT, get rid of that other crap
I think it will be a nuclear war between the Israelis and Pakistanis and we are going to get involved and it will be an apocalyptic WWIII, for 5...
I've added 3 new pictures!
i'm posting more pictures tomorrow, can't right now, photobucket is under maintenance. Plus is 4:30 in the morning, gonna catch some z's
thanks, funny you brought up the geomerging, just checked out the tutorial after posting the map and have been messing around with it. i am most...
I added another, if you guys need more i could add some later.
Fallout The Nuclear War 5 centuries ago left humans fighting for survival Download Map Download Gametype Description: Snyderville was...