Well, they are all legit. The spawns I asked help on but seeing as no one answered, I had to go with my inexperianced ways. The floor I can fix no...
My name actually has no amazing and memorable backstory. I was trying to make an account on live and after five tries (I refused to put numbers in...
Actually, I can say with a lot of experience, its not as easy as it looks. Of all of the remakes of Elongation, all seem to blow. Good efforts,...
You know, I actually enjoyed playing Halo 2's maps more for some reason. They just seemed "better". Anyway good luck to you and hopefully you...
Well, I handled spawn issues myself and Elongation V3.0 is done and out. Click the link Elongation V3.0 in my sig for the map here at Forge Hub....
Yeah, realize that now. Ill try it. Maybe ther will be a V4.0 after all...
Don't remember if I had posted here or not before, hinting at my Elongation Remake, but I have a V3.0 out now. Don't be fooled by the three, this...
Hey just got done putting up my Elongation Remake here at forge Hub. If you want to check it out and maybe put it on your list, Click on the link...
Thanks guys for the positive feedback on the map. If anyone had seen V2.6, you would see that this is one heck of an update to that interlocked...
I appreciate it. Remember to comment the B.net one as well. Or at least rate.
Elongation V3.0 Link to the map right obove this sentence. The long awaited (not really) and popular (wrong) Elongation V3.0 has finaly arrived...
About Challenge 2: I have an Elnongation remake I have been working on for some time. I would direct you to the page of V2.6, but that would...
Don't you guys worry about that. In V3.0, almost all ways out have been dealt with. The area where you see fence walls lying down above the...
As you said, the conveyor belt is a little daunting in terms of achievability (for me anyway), but because I am on a tight budget ($6, lawls) I...
I think you mean offset. I checked out the original map on Halo 2 just now and I now they are offset, but I'm sure they aren't diagonal. Besides,...
I can understand where you're coming from, but that's V3.0. It is still in the process of being tweaked untill it is right. In 2.6, they're not...
I'm thinking Burial Mounds. I don't know for sure, let me pop in Halo 2. **blows dust off of a box labeled "Good Games that got replaced"**...
I didn't realize the money canvas untill after V2.0 came out. So I decided to work with what I have and it has suited me well up till 3.0. BTW....
Update: Elongation V3.0 is out and about. If you have come to find a good Elongation map, this is no longer the place to look. Elongation V3.0...