is reading a chore now? I think ill download the map and do the contest good starter for the contest and great idea too
This looks like a pretty cool map, i like the tele into stealth and the "not so hidden weapons" and the fact it isnt on foundry. 4.75/5 But I also...
You should know by now that these posts need pics. I bet you'll get them up soon, but maybe you should wait till you have the pics to post the map.
This looks like a pretty good infection map. It has a nice layout and it is well made 4.5/5
Wow this looks like a pretty fun map. I like the geomerging and the interlocking. And the elevator is pretty sweet as well. 4.5/5
it looks pretty good 3/5
i think the reason its not up to Forgehub standards is because its his first post.
Water Way Created by Cleaverkurd This is my 2nd competitive map. This map is based around a waterfall and a river. This can be played with Team...
sry dude about talkin **** about ur guitar hero map. I was only joking and i didnt mean to upset u
wow this is terrible and u cant strum and the frets dont work. o and good map 1/5
well its a good layout but what you need to learn to do is interlock, all maps are better with more interlocking
o sry but did you geo-merge?
its looks good 4/5
it looks good but it could use more interlocking o and dont double post
Wow i wish you could spell in proper English.
good map needs more interlocking and geomerging but other than that 4/5
this map looks pretty good 3/5 but it could use more interlocking and geomerging to make it better
Looks good. Your merging is getting real better. But its because you are getting better patience.
dude u cant get out
wow dude the starting box that pushes you up doesnt spawn until 180 seconds. I had to go and change it to actually do that race