Youtube link - UcvGoK4DLZo
Look forward to your response!
I'm pretty sure it was on the main page, twice. Once for a "Feature Video" and the second time for "Top 10 Videos Of The Week". I'd call that...
I'll look forward to your impressions!
Thanks for the replies guys! I'll take a look at those points you raised, possibly some that I could take up, other than the budget spending ones...
Any suggested improvements guys?
***Version 1.5 Updated and Out Now!***
Oh thanks for replying, I didn't realise there was an issue with Fileshare links...why is that? Thanks for the comments any suggestions for...
Whats a mason!? Sorry but I don't understand what was wrong about my post? Do you want me to delete it?
[IMG] UcvGoK4DLZo Download from Heres the MLG Featured Map! version 1.5 of my Chill Out. I've made a small video to compare the...