BTW nice hiding of the active camo, and thanks for taking my advice and changing it. That is camo under the tip of the pirimid, correct?
It looks like its very open, in a good way. I don't really see too many weapons in the pics, but I may be mistaken. And altho you may have planed...
Hey genius good job at not even having this a little correct, a Winchester is a type of shotgun. Not a battle rife of any sorts. And don't even...
Still I don't completely see why they are so poorly constructed. they appear as tho they were just placed there to use up the space. and to...
looks fun. and you should make the hill shrink and maybe make it like 1-6 players. 8 seems a little crowded. and making it teams of two, maybe,...
before i watched the video of you guys playing it i thought it was rather dumb. But now that I've seen the video I'm completely impressed by this....
Re: Aesthetic Mini-map - TX2A Heavy Assault Mech what a striking resemblance to what seems a game that no one has played in the last 10 yrs. lol...
looks like it would be a fun game. looks a little hectic, with all the vehicles, and I don't completely like how there are just random shield...
I absolutely loved SWAT and truly think that it should be brought back. I admire you for attempting to do so, but I would have rathered this map...
I can't believe that I had never thought about doing this on any of my previously forged maps. This would have made things so much easier. Than...
This "trick" is pretty good. not as enjoyable as maybe making people explode in a pit of rapidly responding/exploding fusion coils, lol. But I did...