Yeah I guess I could be done... i'll give it a try
Like this one YouTube - Overcast Halo Intro made by blackouTT xD
Thanks for the crit, I will make a V2 and post it later
YouTube - och intro, low-quality What do you guys think? took me a while. Watch in HD please
google dawg
Lol I find this lol worthy
Well considering this is a FORGE website, I thought I would post our FORGE contest. All the rules are at the link I provided. So please stop...
[IMG] Hello im here to tell you about forge competition. You can find all the rules and information Here You must register to join
Thanks for the CnC guys, I will try and fix it up and re-post it
Stupid australian jk im australian too You have a point though, I dont know this community that well. ON topic: Anyone else got some CnC?
No I did make a Sig, Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not a sig. And thanks for the C&C
[IMG] I made a pokemon sig =D
landon you suck at photoshop <3
[IMG] Not bad imo C&C plz
Oh alright, I sent off A om to all the staff you recomended
Thanks a bunch
hello, I was woundering who I would ask about an affiliation
thanks I was pissed that I missed the 4th but still amazing non the lss
I heard you like