They both have the same power, its just that the PP2000 has 10 less bullets unless you have extended mags.
XD I like how people play for objectives, but I hate when playing for objectives means running around the map with...
I love SandyRavage, but he makes this look too easy. He has host this game, which will make the hit detection on this much better. Off host, he...
I never report kids with modded names, since they aren't harming anything. If you have god mode or something, which I haven't seen in forever,...
Yeah, but I don't want full reset since I got this far, and what is my excuse going to be? I was forced into modding, that doesn't sound too...
-.- I was just enjoying my time, playing ground war, and all of a sudden I join a game and its modded. Without my choice, I get to level 70, all...
I love kids who dashboard to keep good k/d's. I have no problem with try-hards, seeing as I'm one some of the time, but I don't like people...
It doesn't mute them, but it does reduce their noise. Friendly footsteps are multiplied by 0.25 and enemy footsteps are multiplied by 1.5 or...
Its supposed to be one of the biggest maps created. That's what they meant by unique.
Me and the Tar have been dating for about a month now. We get along great. I don't want to take it too far, but she knows that she is my favorite...
Well, at least for me, I find it more fun to snipe and quickscope than to hold a trigger down for an automatic. It may be luck, but it sure as...
I have been following your channel from the late Halo 2 Tricks age, and its been a pleasure to see your channel evolve. It is sad to see it go,...
My Typhlosion got an Adamant nature so its Sp. Att. is lowered and for a fire type, that's not very good. I realized too late into the game that I...
Does anyone else have a problem with being underleveled? I try to battle every trainer I see, and in every pokemon game I have ever played, I've...
I don't understand why IW would reward someone for dying. Its putting good players at a disadvantage. I also think that there is a problem with...
Its the worst designed map in the game imo, behind Estate of course(if one team camps in the house it is ridiculously hard to get them out). Every...
That and the fact that you know what weapons you are comfortable with and you found the playstyle that works for you. Ranking up the first time is...
I see where you are going with that. I don't use one gun, just some of my favorites. I just don't have the feeling of being a completionist and...
Holy crap. I can barely stick with one gun to get mastery for it, yet alone every gun. Its too time consuming. I only have mastery for some...
The Masterkey shotgun actually has a longer range than the M1014, but it doesn't have the same power unless in close range. The FAL with the...