Good map and great interlocking. Love the overshield thingy. Add a bit more cover like sexy dude said and it would be great.
It looks liek it's possible to jump over the first tele and get out of the map.... Also it looks kinda like the only spawn points are in the...
Looks like a good map but as skiwell21 said you could grenade jump to the one would do that! Would they? Map: 4/5 Good map...
Pretty much when you make a map on a non-heroic or non-legendary map, you aren't "making a map". You are kinda just adding in some stuff. Same...
It looks nice but the floating stuff inside avalanche gets kinda old after a while. I've seen a bunch of maps like this. At least it gets rid of...
You shouldn't use the old pics! Just take new ones to show the things you moved or replaced.
Niiiiiiceee! Love the elevator and catwalks. Nice interlocking too. You should make a V2 with another elevator but different hallways and...
I'm loving the interlocked stairs. They look sweet! Overall, it looks great with some good hiding places.
I like the idea but, the way it's presented is sort of...boring and not that tidy. Maybe you could interlock some stuff and add more cover unless...
Looks nice and fun but the shield doors could cause problems (as Saint Progidy mentioned). Maybe if you make a V2, replace them with bridges...
Looks fun and interesting. Parts of the map do look uncovered though and could make for easy pickings for the sniper. Map: 4/5
It looks pretty good for your first post but i agree that it needs more pics. Good map though. Map: 4/5
This is really good. I like the drop and the elevator the best. I'm DL ing for sure
Looks like an ok map. It looks like it could be a good slayer map with a V2 *hint hint*. Looks kinda confusing though but in a good way. Map:...
This map broke my map rating scale!! It was to awesome to contain! It looks like friday night fun baby! Map: 7/5 ???
Dang! It looks perfect but i don't think that many people are good enough drivers to handle this awesomeness. I know i'm not... Map: 5/5
Escape is probably the only bad thing about the map really. Other than that it has nice interlocking and looks fun to play on. Map: 4/5
There's not much to say that hasn't already been said about how cool this map is. Map: 6/5
Sounds interesting. No pics so i'll DL to see if it's good or not...
Eh...can't tell much from the pics but i guess i'll DL and check it out. I'll edit my post when i do though that might take a while. Map:???