You can get an overkill easily with this sword technique. You have to press the B button and then RB.Then you will probaly win every sword...
try this on blackout so you can have the map floating like guardian
This actualy looks good keep up the good work
best map I've seen
I will soon and I got a cool map I'm working on and you could help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
very orignal good map.
Make a version 2 to make the geomerging better.
could someone forge with me. I mean just a really good forger I could forge with. gamertag:The Flappy
This map looks good but fix some of the geomerging other wise AWESOME MAP!!!!!!
looks pretty fun I'm making a racetack myself. good map 5/5
This is good but just delete those turrets other wise I love the map
Sorry, not my kind of track 3/5
you could set the hills to no and go and move the oddball spawn
Nice 5/5 I like the power rods great job
This is the best map I've ever seen
[IMG] Ok, this is my first map which only supports Slayer gametypes. Crashsite is on Rat's Nest. At first I was thinking why not put some open...
Nice I will have to DL.
nice Looks like there is some great gameplay I'll check to be sure but until then 4/5.
Forged in Awesome interlocking 5/5 great map!
Cool 101 Sweet map and great gameplay keep forging!