lol I love this
I love this map, all the weapons like the gravity hammer, sniper rifle, and the spartan laser make for good fighting and the ghost just makes it...
first of all the press conference was good just the xbox live update is weird, and apple has no business getting into gaming, we do not need a...
Rock Band 2 360 exclusive! :)
ahhh the person singing on lips is so annoying I want to turn off the sound
this was a good map for one of your first Bl00D F1R3, the 4 snipers do seem a bit much though
I love this map, the weapons are great and it makes for some intense fighting 5/5
This is a nice map, good weapon placement and stuff, good job
Sounds good I will try it, only thing that bothered me were the lots of pictures of people instead of the map. P.S. I can't find the link to...
The Armory isn't a problem, the alpha zombie still has a chance to kill a human or die before he dies.
Awesome maps Bl00D F1R3 :)