Not really. It's quite obviously based around Sanctuary. Don't mean to insult, sorry if i did. This looks like a really good map though.
This looks brilliant. Sadly there's only room for 8 of these thingies in one download, but don't worry, it looks good enough to come back DL the...
This is a very nice idea. it's a change from the storm the beach on Last Resort. It really brings me back to the days of Medal of Honor: Frontline...
This would have to be the best forge map overall that i have ever seen, well done. i can even see bungie using this idea.
looks brilliant. 5/5 but why not have an Invisibility instead of a custom power up on the blue side?
This map looks great. My only suggestion for v2 is to interlock the stairs so the sides don't stick out of the sides of the double box. Cant DL...
thank yo SO much for this. you have no idea how helpful this tutorial has been. now i can actually get to work on posting my maps!
Is your gamertag 'Duckyz'?
WOW that picture is amazing thank you. Thats OK, I have you added on XBL so ders no reason we can't play outside of the 2v2 tournament.
Wow I've never seen merging in the back alley before. How did you fit the box's in there? Did you merge through the wall first?
That sounds great! My gamertag is Future Cop 77 (there is a space between Future & Cop). The logo is brilliant as it is but if u want maybe add...
This is fantastic. I think we've found the new Grifball.
well either i have already missed it or i will be out n' about at dat time. good luck with it.
ok but could you tell me roughly what time in GMT its happening.
How do get into the games? Are you gonna add us as XBL friends?
oh cool. I already did. Is it the same register page?
Is that game night over?
You should turn the bridges upside down. That way they are much smoother.