It doesnt matter, its still not within the rules of posting. im just saying this because when a mod finds this he will most likely remove your...
This post is not upto forge hub standards, please read the rules and fix it Forge Hub Halo Forums - Announcements in Forum : Halo Forge Maps
This map is awesome man, i love the way youve used aesthetics in a racetrack, it kinda gives the feel of being in a stadium when youre racing i...
This map looks well forged and well planned, you can tell you spent quite some time on this. I wont be downloading this map because looks cramped...
Taco, this guy puts effort into making a map, why couldnt you say something positive... And for the record i see what youve tried to do to build...
The master hand eh =) this map is awesome me nd my friends wer playin on it earliar an we loved it, the gameplay is good, the aesthetics are good,...
I completely agree that there is too many foundry maps, although foundry is a perfect sandbox for creating maps its so dull and boring with no...
Dragoon Raceway Created by xTuOx SN4K3BYT3 Map Description This is a figure 8 racetrack with a tunnel in the middle which racers can go through...
This is a really good remake and you can instantly tell that this is helms deep from LOTR, even the small details like the battlements are...
Wow, as soon as i saw this i just got a great idea for a map. its a good shape for a template too. Thanks =)
Like.. z0mfg.. this is one of the best race maps i ever seen. its well put together, it rocket race which rules and the best part has gotta be the...
this map looks awesome, im definatly gna hav to DL it =)
This track looks good ill hav to dl it 5/5 :)
wow this is a great minigame map and i like that when the pinball reaches the ground the zombie can get thru ill definately have to DL this =)
This map looks awesome, i like the carnival idea and the fact that youve merged a minigame into an aesthetic map, nice gun at the end. 10/10 ill...
The pelican is well made and looks like it took some time to make, although i like it i wont be downloading it because i have reached the limit of...
0|\/|G [)47 15 |/\|311 |_||33R -Translation- Omg That is Well Uber xD
This doesnt look like a pelican..
Wow them screenies are ace
Holy Crap!! The pillar of autumn just crashed into halo 3 :O