Wow it looks great!!! 4.9 out of 5 ill get my brother to dl for me cuz mine wont work...
at the end of your pictures it asks me if fish get thirsty... i would fix that... good map tho 8/10 id say
Wow ill try to dl but it might not work...
Everything is really awesome except... well... it looks a little too christmasy and colorful... Maybe you could call it santas death sleigh ride...
1 word... Really awesome
pretty sweet you should try to make a castle w/ a working bridge you can lower! =)
some guy710
Hello im bored and i found your profile and your online so... HI
Pretty sweet I wish i could Dl but i have a problem please comment on this thread to help me fix it. :(
I would Dl if i could but im having problems click here to see what i mean
i just looked at your thread about u changing your gamertag and cant DL well i have the same problem! ill contact u and u contact me if u/i get...
Hello im new to forgehub tryin to figure out how to switch gts on a window id leave a comment when you can! :D
I wish i could Dl but i have a new Gt and dont know how to change it so it shows up on my windows live ID :(
Map looks great im Dling but the picture comments... a little confusing
Looks pretty awesome i think a vehicle would work in this map but even without its cool! Dling now
Dont call me stupid or anything cuz im new, but.... i dont even know how to interlock
You should make something like this in one of the legendary mapsso you could use the old west effect
What can i say...? wow...
looks pretty fun but it is a little empty... try some vehicles maybe a ghost?