............................................................MORE QUALITY, please
First off, this isnt a real MLG level, poeple make it sound like it is, and plus ive seen many flares and im not really sure which is the real...
awesome map death, cant wait to play on it 5/5
you got my dl on each level, love em all, all=5/5
loved the first one, gonna love this, congrats!!! 5/5 tip:add more features, maybe like an xgames ramp sort of thing and a high quarter pipe, i...
i dont bomb all the featured maps, i give my honest opinion, i give my honest opinion on maps too, example: PARAGON, that is one of my favorite...
this map seems sort of stupid and pointless, just looks not, fun, of all of the featured maps,i wont have this one
its not really sopposed to work with ts, and slayer, i just at least make my maps have that gametype in them, its really for any infection.
sup[ sarge, havent seen you in a long time
sort of looks like a castle, i guess
preety cool, i will try to dl asap
looks sort of amatuerish but its still sweet
pics messed up, i would really like to see the map
awesome, this is so gonnabe dled
kinda sloppy but looks fun, i dl k?
crazy cool dude, love certain parts of it awesome 5/5
really?????? i just was like wtf when i first did this by accident. plus iv never seen a guide soooo
i always loved the first two, now the third. they just keep on getting better.
sweetness, this has got my dl for sure i love the map, congradulations - 5/5
lol, this map is so cool because of the conveyor belt, love it 5/5 for sure