My GT While I was trying to come up with a gt i was turning my iPod on and then pressed shuffle songs, and of course the first song to come up...
Awesome the ship looks awesome definitely going to dl you did a great job. I like how you can take the vehicles outside of the ship
Great Great job I love this map, and play it all the time with my friends. Nice clean interlocking. 5/5 Do the team colors need to be red and...
Looks good about to download P.S. i like your sig it looks pretty good
Loved it Loved this map. Great for CTF but is also good for other gametypes. if you are playing CTF it works well to drive the warthog over the flag
Awesome 5 *
cool idea but i dont like it
Craziest picture I've ever seen 5 Stars
player 3 accedentally killed u all
Nice Pic
Looks Great:D
IM so glad that this got featured I play this map all the time with my friends. everyone should download
Plain? This map is a little to plain, there are also too many mistakes you made. First never put shotguns and shield doors, because that just...
First I think. Looks a little to plain but im goning to try it out