nibs go hard.
Here is Neighbors real account, and here is the N 2the eighb0t's account, compare them, and you'll see the difference. And who is this Bryan...
I never saved them, but I new I should have. I think my freind has it though from his PoV, but sure either, cause he scrims pro's all the...
Really sorry to tell you this, but Neighbor's real tag is. *N 2the eighbor* and his freinds list isn't blocked... And keep this in mind, no pro...
Blase, we should play 1 v 1 sometime... GT - Quadacy
You FAIL... Read the posting rules please, and learn how to us photobucket.
Hehehe, he knows how to treat a ***** alright... I can't wait to see this movie, it seems like its going to be amazing.
Welcome...? I am the Overloard of this Website, and Insane54 is my son. He may have a Yellow name, but this does not mean he is more powerfulzorz...
Triple Snipe - 3v3 MLG The Pit
If someone quits, the win doesn't go through until about 20 mins after the game. And the loss doesn't go through either.
No Capture Card? No problem... I may be new to this but I was able 'Rendered a Film' in high defenition using no capture card on did...
Thats nice quality, and your pretty good too.
[IMG] I Love you...
Yeah, when this happens, the batteries are low, you need to change them...
Im back baby, calm your tears, Im back.