Hey! I doubt any of you guys remember me much but it's great to see you are all still forging! Thinking big as usual ;)
They could release them in an update, I believe. It would help if TinMan would clarify his post. Edited by merge: This is also a good point. The...
This. Because all I do is turn on my copy of Halo: Reach and sit in the armory and cry softly. Get over yourself people. Nothing is too small to...
The picture to the left of this text was my Emblem from Halo 2. It was also my Halo 3, and Halo: Reach Beta Emblem. On the first day of owning...
He bumped his Longshore map with a second account.
Those dome roofs look gorgeous, but the crosses look out of place and threw me off. They're just too big. I recommend removing two of the three...
I played on this, it was pretty awesome. It was a while back, so I don't remember my gripes, but I feel like it was something about the gravlift...
Perhaps in a Version 2 I'll swap the Wraith for a Revenant and delete lower the amount of ammo in the sniper, because the more I play on in the...
I know this is considered 'necroposting', but I was hoping I could bump it since I went through a lot of work creating the video, and the video...
I suggest shortening your video, your goal is to sell people on the map while giving the layout, I saw the map, was interested, and then bored...
Not only is Endzeit Atom/Sanctuary V2, but you can get all the way to the Pillar because he placed no safe zone, only one hard kill slightly above...
Regenerator: A personal shield regenerator is deployed, regenerating shields at twice normal speed. Mechanics: There is a one second delay in the...
No, pretty sure the video was done in single player. Were talking about the Seraph on the Long Night of Solace, correct?
I can't judge definitely, but due to the narrow passage way nature of Orbital, I feel as if the Concussion Rifle and GL should be removed. I hope...
Many of these such as Evade Jump/Survive All Falls aren't forge tricks, I think they should me removed/moved to a different thread. Also, since we...
I think I was right, Stopex--this just doesn't look right all grey and stuffs. I'm still going to wait for a human forge world where you can place...
I believe this is coming. Hopefully they will fix the fact that Base Player Traits only affect humans in invasion. Also, for invasion, they should...
Yeah, screenshots are definitely needed for those who haven't played on this. Hopefully we will actually get to play on this map as every time we...
I'm sorry, but isn't the word 'centrifugal'? On to the map, I like the 'lift/ladder' and the plasma turret is a nice change from a Human Turret....
I jizzed when I saw the map name. Let's just hope it was not premature. After cleaning myself up and looking at the original post, I must say...