Do I have too, I dun wanna.
No, I do not, why?
I don't know what that is.
It is pretty interesting when 2 people (DieHardAssassin and myself) are jumping around in an old map of his, wondering what we can make next. Next...
Happy New Year, Indeed
Man, Speed e cake looks really weird in that pic.
I pulled a nerve, man did it hurt, I'm not going tomorrow either.
The wraiths and choppers spawn at 30 seconds in so the cat/tremors would already be out, plus they would just get booted.
Not many people are fans of snowbound and it was the last one needed to complete the cat and mouse list, but it is surely fun. Obviously you...
I dided it I has cookie kthxbai
Tremors on Ice & Mice on Ice Created by REDSHADOW1337 & Speed e cake Supported Gametypes: Cat Mouse Chase Tremors n' Mice Map Description:...
If you need a little more help then that follow this link:...
Finally.... oh and since I know it's coming No U, back atcha. What made you finally log on your account?
Congratz on the feature, I remember seeing the map before and I was in awe then and my jaw still hasn't closed. Kind of tricky to eat.
It must be stopped but for now I has to go so, bye
Damn cake gets me everytime.
Sad face?
Sad face
I ates a lie?
I already ate my whole cake...yeah that might hurt me in the long run...or short run.....but none the less CAKE!