I think you need more screenshots because I can barely tell what the map looks like from what I can see.
Not bad I like the style although you could of made better use of merging to improve the smoothness and I think you should add some more...
thanks for the comment but it does belong here because like i've said it's set up for to be like fundry or octagon so technically it's a slayer...
I only used 18 double walls and single walls which isn't that much and since the map is so small if you need more then 22 double walls and single...
Crypt Quarter Canvas By IM BE DUM Hallo forge hub! This is a canvas that has a perfect quarter segment of the crypt. You can use this to...
Like I said before you already got your pics on photobucket now you are posting links to your pictures all you need to do is go to those pics on...
Hey guys thanks for your opinion's I was planning on making the bases bigger but I was completely out of huge boxes and double and single box's so...
Hey dude your map looks really good and all but your post is not up to standards. You already got your pictures on photobucket so just copy the...
[IMG] Created by: IM BE DUM Recommended Players: 2-8 Recommended Gametypes: MLG Team Slayer, MLG Ball, MLG Team King Weapons:...
An excellent map I think you put alot of time into forging and planning this map so the gameplay should be smooth I like those walls for cover as...
This map looks really cool lots of unique ideas I think that you should make the map a little harder because Ive heard it fairly easy great map...
Wow cool a mongoose obstacle course looks like you put alot of time and effort into this map it also looks quite tough. 5/5
looks like a pretty cool map I might have to dl it all I can say is it looks pretty confusing and tough! good job.
Wow this is a great map not necessarily my bag of cheese.(I really don't know what that means) I like the way you set up the checkpoints i found...
Quite A cool map ill the the super smash brothers idea very good interlocking. I didn't find the gameplay particularly exciting but its still a...
This map could definitely use some work I like the design but the floors seem bump and some of the stuff is crooked. 3/5
This is a cool map I like your use of interlocking and geomerging. this map seems like it would be fun I might have to try it.
The Reason I did not incorporate checkpoints into this map is to make it more of a challenge. And if you would think it would make the map better...
Okay first of all this is one of the Hardest jumping maps it goes right up there with miles so don't go getting all frustrated if you don't make...
Yes it is kind of open but i have many objects such as crates and barriers to hide behind.