WOW all of these maps are brilliant a good reminder of all the levels and some brilliant asethics very well done. My favorite would have to be...
This map has great potential i think that the collapsable wall idea is a must and you should definatley add that into your remake. I also suggest...
The level is Tsavo Highway but its nothing anyone has said yt
10 i just stay away from snipers although i have gt a sniper spree with 10 before that ws just luck though
yh i agree revolution is awesome face is it on ur fileshare?
HAHA funniest suggestion evr i will tell u if you guess it :P
hahahahahah awesome
A screenshot got absolutley ages ago found it whilst playing back in theater mode. Guess what theyr looking at....
Those jungle pics r just amazing. Keep up those awesome standards nice wrk. THe others are more basic but still prtty decent
Brilliant i have seen all of your maps so far and was impressed by them all this has got my dl
I agree that video definatley showed of the map very well very neat forging and what looks like some interesting gameplay well forged.
It still baffels (is that even a word) me that no one thought of making a racetrack for flying vehicles. I found this version was more interesting...
you can see a second teleporter underneath the first. I agree though its very small so probably doesnt play well you should maybe keep the part...
This is pretty damn awesome i think u shouldnt worry about the fact you used the concept from the halo map as that was only really a ring that...
wtf is dat aimed at me
Srry m8 but they r rite. Just a footnote Miniwaz who ws in that game also has recon u shud hav gt a dubble snipe that wud b more impressive
:omg: I am actually getting really annoyed at the whole spam system thing now FH can go to hell :irritated:
This is a good map and plays well but NO FLARES!
You hav 2 see my new sig pic ODST is gunna beee ssssooooooooo goooooooooooooooood just looked on bnet
This looks like a really neatly forged map however it is a bit bland as i feel most sandbox maps are. As it supports CTF you should maybe add...