hey 5w33ny this will be probaly my last message because im so sick of the monitors and how they infraction me about everything so i finally told...
how can i change my name
pure insanity it looks as like u could have alot of fun playing on this map, if u would like me and my review crew could review it for u
well i just noticed that hes of everyones friends list
yo has any body seen captain america
yah will review it get back to u soon
Yo you might what to put up some pics other wise nobody is going to download your map.
pretty kool nice layout
really needs some pics
i agree it doesnt look very good or well put together
looks nice lots of interlocking good gamplay
this looks ok but to me it looks kind of plain 3/5
looks sick could me and my review crew review this map?
im a big fan of cod 4 and this does look like shipment 4.5/5
this map is pretty really awesome 5/5
this maps really nice, it has really good interlocking and looks like a overall good map to play mlg on 5/5
i dont really see how this map could be competitive
this map looks really good, very original id give it a 5/5
these look pretty kool but im not really in to these kind of maps but if i was i would give it a 4.5/5
this maps sick a must have 5/5