Way too small for me. The interlocking and weapon placement is great, but the map needs to be far more larger. 3/5.
Its ok for your first map, needs some interlocking, and the elevator I don't see will work much. Some of it is crooked. But for you first map a 3/5.
No link, no pics, no description, and you only wrote down 5 words. You think it would be common sense to post a link, or at least some pictures...
Looks very nice. I have to agree with posts above, can this map be played competitively? If not, I would still love playing this map. If so, it...
One word to describe this map: Awesome. 5/5 from me. The first one was insane, this one is 2x better. It must have taken a while to make.
5/5, this map is in my top favorite MLG maps. The interlocking is perfect, the structures are well built, you have a nice layout of the map, and I...
Your pics arn't up, or working, read the rules and learn how to post them up.
The Heli doesn't seem like an acutal Heli, it might need some work. The rest of the map however is good. I didn't see any interlocking, but you...
It looks very well made. I like the fact the the map is open on the bottom, so you included a mongoose. You used interlocking and geo-merging,...
Nice map, I think it is rally creative. You have some spots of nice interlocking, there are two sides, for a 4v4 and such.A 5/5 for me, I am DLing...
A bit sloppy, but a pretty accurate remake of the map. The B sign on picture 4 needs to be redone, it is slightly off. And on picture 1, the...
There isn't that many 1v1 or 2v2 maps put there, and if there is, they arn't that good. But this map on the other hand, is better than the rest....
Very nice, layed out map. Interlocking is perfectly done, and I like the placement of the fusion coils, and the two trucks. But like Captain...