Well... Bring Chris into the Living Dead playlist, and he'll want to finish it.
Took me awhile, but I got them. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/videos/114718-sufjan-stevens-recent-tour.html
[IMG] So about a month ago my friend and I went to see one of our favorite musical artists, Sufjan Stevens, perform at the Mesa Arts Center. If...
Eh, I'm letting Chris finish it with Shadow.
That was uncalled for, brah :,(
Congrats on becoming corrupt.
MonsiuerChat Same as my SCII name. May I ask why?
I don't, and I have about $1000, but that's all money I've saved up for photo/video gear that I'm not going to spend on a new xbox.
Sorry, brah, but I don't think I'll be getting a new one anytime soon. Maybe I'll hit Silence up to see if he'll cure my xbox problems like he did...
I just saw Sufjan Stevens live, and they allowed me to bring my DSLR in to take photos/video, which I'll probably upload to Youtube and such...
It "turns on" but almost instantly flashes the red light in the 4th quadrant and displays E74 error.
Ya, I figured. Now I need to decide if I want to shell out $300 for a brand new system, or $200 for a refurb...
Is the new xbox 360 compatible with the old xbox 360 external hard drives?
What do you know? E74.
I first must commend you for putting some effort into your map post, unlike some (Rusty and Shadow), but even it hardly does this map justice....
I was beginning to wonder if you would ever post this map, it seems like were testing this thing every other game. But the amount of work that has...
I too must continue this trend of praise and appreciation, as that which it has already received is well deserved. I, personally, found Colossus...
MonsiuerChat.440 (I only realized recently that I spelled 'Monsieur' wrong, after getting it right so many times during the beta. I beat myself up...
What? Dude, you're talking to a ghost.
[IMG] Voting Mt. How High Paradigm Arizona Grind The Mantle Thee Attack on Planet Tinkup Please cast votes using the Poll at the top of this...