Im just about to announce a remake of a VERY old map of mine which everyone played and downloaded, which I made for Quake 1 back in 1997. It...
Please let me know if you have had a play of this map yet, and anything that needs polishing other than what has been previously stated. I am...
It's pretty hard to get more photo's as the geometry and roof block off a lot of spots to take photo's. I do have a virtual-tour setup though on...
Added Diagram of Martyr and several more photos including 2 overview photo's as requested.
Martyr v4.0 By DJHellish Tenchu Chaos - Perth, Australia What: An Asymmetrical map designed from the ground-up to be balanced towards Assault...
Thank you. I did the best I could with the resources at hand. For some reason though, money kept on disappearing from Forge even though I wasn't...
Thanks for the comments guys :) Reply to Agamer93 Style of play: Frantic or Meticulous (it really depends on how you play your Halo.) The...
Very clean, and very sweet looking. Downloading now.
Timesplitters all over. Thank god you didn't mod the aiming recticle to move all over the screen :) This map looks crazy awesome...
Pictures 6, 7, and 9 look awesome to play and strangely enough remind me of the hong kong level on Timesplitters 2. I will definately play this...
Thanks for the comments guys. I have now added larger images incase you were waiting for these before downloading the map.
Prison Yard Version 1.3 Download ********************************************************* Designer's Note - If you download this map, please...
I looked at making the map more symmetrical, and moved the arena to the middle of the map, but it didn't play the same. It made the street w/...
No, I think that 4 Brute shots is fine. I mean, i've played lots of maps w/ brute shots only and some of them were a lot more fun than SWAT,...
Yeah, I was actually looking to clean this map up, as i was never happy with the dumpsters on the mid-level walkway. This means I will most likely...
Map Name: The Colosseum Download it here Map Description: This map was originally inspired by DM Morbias from Unreal 1. Unlike DM Morbias...
That would have been nice, but unfortuantely the way that bungie designed forge (and their own internal map editing software) each map has a...