did u see his trap that he made it. it is superising but it was probly easy to do. all it is is a block that falls or some thing.
i dont have xbox 360 live until next week . im pretty sure that i can play tho
Is box cat in the purple cube.
U should make a elevater like how my friend dthen did
One more thing how come purple cube is invite
my friend that work at bungie asid that reach will have it so u can mabey get a pichter that u made for new emblem in reach
i amin ueg are any of u in the puple cube in ueg. it is cool. Also how com eur clan is invite
sorry its not my falt that u didnt post pics so I can see the map
i have seen people around with that box that u have in ur pichter. is that a clan. how can i join cus it seems like u r pretty cool
all this is is just a bunch of corner thingys but the weapon look placed good. nice to see a other mlg map on this website there are not that many
first post! this looks fr***ing amazing dude. the forging looks nice and every thing does to. good job. i will do an 1v1 with my friend who...
the pictures arent workin for me but from the video this looked suprising! sence the pics cant be seen i dont know how good the map plays but dont...
i could not believe to see that this is on long shore! not many MLG maps are on long shore and this is the first i think. looks very clean and the...
thsi look pretty cool. i think you should should make and mlg version becasue this seems like it would play good for mlg. this doesn't look that...
hey i seen you're map in halo that has an elevater and just wanted to asy that my friend has made a map just like it so who did it first u or him
i like it becuase the wall looks awsome becuase u put it in the ground. i also liek the game you made up called rocket race. loks fun! 5/5
Suck It