Maybe an over view or something? It is hard to know anything about it because you can not see anything outside.
I swear you got like a mod going on because it looks like you are using every single item available... It looks like a lot of cover but not...
I am working on an enclosed map that is has a lot of aesthetics and hopefully gameplay should be good aswell... It is a mixture of the map Saphire...
Map looks... better... The merging is better and all but you should have probably added more things to it, like maybe some outside hallways to it...
yesterday was 12-21-08? Are you gonna go in the past or something?
I think what he is trying to do is make maps that are already started that he can budget glitch? Atleast that is what I am taking in from it.
alright thanks man
Ya, that's what it is called. You should let people ask for this if they want it. Also one more thing, do you know how to make it so whenever you...
Like in linubidix's map remedy, his different sections have a cool kind of thing to it where the words are inside a box with cool effects. His...
Hey dude come on... use correct grammar, also atleast do some kind of effort to look around for it instead of just going straight for the forge...
Very very nice... It is extremely clean and nice interloxing... Keep forging 5/5 I do not really no what to say ot improve it ya in know, I dled...
THat's pretty sick. Nice editing aswell... Good job if this was you who mad the video. If you didn't then still good job...
The map looks very good. Probably one of the best, if not the best house map on forgehub to this date. It is very clean and everything seems very...
hey dude why are you warned?
What are you say? do you mod? Just kidding but seriously, well semi seriously, interlocking is the best way to do.. and it is really not that hard...
"iz thiz rekon?"
Yes this is very true... you guys need to fix it... when I help you, or just talk with you, those fence walls just bug the hell out of me... I...
WOW I have no seen a map with like this in awhile. Maybe add a ghost somewhere... Good luck killer
What gametype maps are they? Competitive, minigame, mlg, etc.?
If you have tested this already then I don't care. But if you haven't I would be glad to help test it. Sounds very fun.