Oh, Hai, there, Skittlez. I guess nobody wants ta say hai-haiz to ya, huh?
Ah, this is cool. Here is one: Demon Race: Covenant Mode: Air Desciption: Similar to a cross between a wraith and a banshee. Basucally, it is a...
OMG I farking love this map sooooo much. I played this with Skittles like the day he released it and LOVVED IT! Please make more of these.
Alright I will join (since I can't use OMG HAX I WILL JOIN UR ASOME GROOP FTW!!!!)
This post is definitely not up to forgehub standards. Please access the sticky thread titled "Mandatory: Please Read This Before You Post."
Umm, please add more pics, say of peopl actually playing the map. Was this even tested?
OH NOES! Please embed pics, give a full description, add a weapon list, and meet Forgehub's standards. Thanks!
Ooh, this looks really good. I love the middle, but what happens when smeone falls into one of the spaces? And maybe a few more pics unless that...
Oh wow I love your sig, with the little emoticons. That is really funny but a little messed up. :D
Oh, you can ask to be a judge? If so, sign me up! I have nothing to do.
Huh. This sounds like a good idea. I wont post anything, but still, good luck in seeing who may post. This may even get featured :o
Thank you for spamming. Now stop. This is a thread for POKEMON. Stay on topic, or I will unleash the Mini Mods upon thee.
bnasty, thats mean. Besides, I've seen many good maps with telewriting.
no problem, man. Your one of the people my friend skittlemeister0 told me about, so I checked your profile, and I saw your posts, and a lot of...
I think I know what you mean, but may you please elaborate? erhaps an example with picture?
Im not sure about the CP. That might be too much damage, but all the other attacks are dead on! Good job. Maybe you should make your own.
Oh my god! This is crazy good! How did you draw that?