lol an upside down banshee - is someone driving that? the map looks awesome, will download soon as my xbox is fiwed.
read my original two posts. I CANT GET PICS. MY XBOX DIED. i posted it here because i thought that some people might still download it.
my xbox died. i can't get them. but if anyone else could help me by DLing and getting pics that would be great.
this is da towuh of puwuh, a small KOTH and slayer based map. it has three levels - the bottom floor, which is a maze of shield doors suited for...
i have 40 achievements and 930 but no shoulders
just getting in before the interlock flamers... even without it, this map looks like it would play very well. nice job.
I'm gonna change it anyway... you're right about the quality.
you didn't find mine.. or the 5 other versions of it
goood to see SOMEONE liked it
youre meant to be able to get on the roofs - they're the second level. suorisingly they actually don't dominate
agreed. i had a map that did this recently. the topic got like 5 replies after pics were up about how there was no interlocking, looked poorly...
if possible, can a mpoderator move this to the map testing section? that would help a lot. if not, just tell me and I'll remove the link
thanks, lightscout. that's all i needed to know. not even shock theta would tell me that. seriously.
sorry ive only been here 2 months dont know all the rules
but betas are public tests. how will i get people to test it if i can't post it?
then were do i post my betas?
ITS A BETA, AS WITH ALL MY MAPS HERE if i get proper fdeedback i will make final, with interlocking. btw actually works guite well with swat.
sorry its only a beta. final version will be interlocked, maybe different weapons to beams
moved this to map testing
fixed the post