Unbroken Soverignty I have to say that this is a truly excellent map. The gameplay is smooth and has a real feel for the halo campaign. Not only...
Underground867 awesome, awesome to the max, sweet inside and vehicle placement and scenery, looks like a perfect way to score some huge carnage
Underground867 sweet map, love how you can use the inside, looks so awesome, my kind of map
Underground867 sweet map, perfect for fun and carnage, i would definetily download it if i had the chance :)
Underground867 totally awesome, even though your using foundry objects, i feel as though i'm right inside that ship, i think it's perfect in...
Underground867 even though you still testing, so far it looks like a freak'n awesome place, it's cool how it's set up as one of the greatest...
Underground867 totally awesome map, cool how you have to rescue another player ,wish i could download it,
Underground867 awesome map, needs more weapons, love the layout, espicially the map turning from day to night
dude that map is so cool, it would be cool if i could download it