Never heard of a Fender Squier Guitar, but i've seen a Squier Stratocaster... Squier is a company that makes cheaper versions of fenders. ZOMG!...
Great map, sir. The looks of the map are very refreshing. This map has the great geometry of the newer MLG-inspired forging maps with the wacky...
Don't quite understand the name because he don't have knives on our guns haha but this is a top notch map. I enjoyed playing FFA on this map...
Very, very good map. I loved the layout of the map and it has great gameplay. At first I thought the ghost would unbalance the map but with the...
The first map is great with a snipers gametype, and all the cover works except if you have a katana, lol. I really enjoyed the last one though, my...
Just got done playing the map. This map is very well balanced and has decent gameplay, but it's a tad boring. We had eight people and we played...
With a good group, this map is the best. However cops and robbers is a pretty sketchy and even unpopular gametype. This is one of the (if not the...
Hey, I've looked over this site and downloaded the great maps but never really got around to making an account, so now I am haha. Uhh, I play...
I loved this map. The map looks beautiful with all the interlocking and the forging tricks, but I think the sniper/carbine spawns are a bit weird...
I'm a big fan of this map, however with more than 5 people in an FFA match the spawning gets a little hectic. Love the interlocking and balanced...