Wings should be bigger. Only complaint. Nice job, should have had Vader inside and use shield doors for the glass. Vader kicks ass.
Nice trees.
Great job, but I think the whole Scarab thing is done to death. Maybe someone should have a contest to find the best one.
I love BioShock, the Gatherer's Garden is great, but I really like the splicer classes thing.
If the chick at your school looks as sexy as that, I'd date her.
Tokyo, Halo, what's next? Final Fantasy?
Needs better menu. Not enough options. :P
Suddenly Guitar Hero becomes harder. Try jumping from the green to the orange button fast enough on Expert. Oh man...
AMAZING! Cooler than the original.
That's one sexy elephant,
The feet could have been smaller, and you could have left out the peng-gina. Nevertheless, 10/10.
Creative and very well done, even putting in money to make it work. I think the stuck BR glitch adds authenticity.
Dude great job.
How do I stay motivated? Why, play music and down a 2-liter of coca-cola. Always takes the edge off.
It wouldn't work so well, maybe if you could make like, a set of maps. One for a generic city, then all the DLC houses, and maybe a dungeon, and...
Placing an object and hiding it wouldn't work as well, because you'd still have to find the dirty little bastard, and even then, what if they ALSO...
What about fragbubble?! I dunno if it's too basic, but it's one I use all the time. Someone is coming at me, and I have a frag and a bubble...
Wow, thanks. I had no idea what kind of grenades or how many to place on a map. However, I would focus less on frags, because if someone plays the...
Can't you edit opening posts? If so, just replace the link. That, or just post in the topic and tell everyone about the update, and hope it gets...
Maybe Golem? I like Golem! Give him like, a BR, an overshield and some frags. Maybe an AR.