Wow,his art skills are poor.
Lets hope it dosnt get RROD
The codes that they gave me didnt work I have tryed copying it dragging and drop is the any other way i can have it in my sig? mad-
Welcome,enjoy you stay
This deserves more attention on good job!
Finally no "Hey look i can jump 50feet in the air" crap
And World of warcraft is for people who have never seen what colour the sky is.
GOD,what is this world coming too next it will be i went poaching i mean umm rock climbing and i accidently shot a panda because i thought it was...
Me too 2221 and counting
Hmm that actually suprises me lol
Multiplayer only. 1.Overkill-The way i did this was basically useing the sword to catch people with no sheilds off guard the easiest to map to do...
Wow thats weird.
Well im Madgituk as i liked to be called but A homless pie is my Gamertag (yes i spelt it wrong).I love making maps not so good at them thats why...