Thanks man. I worked really hard to get the LOS to not be too cluttered. Plexus originally had two opposing Sniper Rifles but when one team had...
Plexus Competitive Symmetrical Map Created by BORG k79 With news of the recent Title Update it has given me hope that the Reach Community will...
Tenshi, I am really glad to see you got all your maps in a Map Pack up here on Forgehub. I have seen and played all of these maps from the...
Thanks for the comments guys. I havent really been able to check on my post this week but I will try to add a rendered film this weekend. What...
Temple Mount forged by BORG k79 2 - 12 Players Symmetrical Competitive Map Reach the Apex of these Monuments to achieve Enlightenment....
Tenshi you finally got around to posting this map!! We played alot of customs on this one. I always had fun playing Team Slayer and Multiflag CTF...
Thank you to those of you who sent me feedback and gave this map a whirl this weekend. It was alot of fun. The feedback was about 95% positive...
Caretaker forged by BORG k79 2 - 12 Players Symmetrical Competitive Map [IMG] Caretaker has been a map I have been thinking...
Now you've got me thinking.... I am not too sure if I set this up for Infection. I will check tonight and update the post accordingly. It plays...
I have play tested this map on several occasions, both for Team Slayer and 2 Flag CTF. The changes made included: -Getting rid of the 2 Sniper...
Last Maps before Reach. Paramount - Structure Map Relent - Arena Style Map Check out all my maps!! BORG k79 File Share
PARAMOUNT 2 - 10 Player Competitve Map Forged by BORG k79 [IMG] Paramount is a symmetrical Structure Map that I have made on the main...
RELENT 2 - 8 Player Competitve Map Forged by BORG k79 [IMG] Relent is an Arena-style symmetrical map that lends itself well to...
I have now re-added the Back Story as to why I called it Wishing Well. The Grav Lift is only there as an aesthetic touch. It serves no real...
Nondual had brought to my attention the fact that I had the Flag Capture points in the wrong place, resulting in instant Flag Caps once you...
Wishing Well v2 is the final edit of my most popular map to date. The original had over 7600 downloads. Hive Mind - Structure Map built in the...
I did gain alot of inspiration from several maps that are already part of the Halo MP Universe. - The HIVE itself is based on the long "Spine"...
< - - WISHING WELL v2 - - > Created by: BORG k79 Map Description: The Guardians will grant your Wish as long as you make the ultimate...
HIVE MIND created by: BORG k79 Hive Mind is a map that I had originally created for Foundry. I had always had grande visions for it but...
Thanks to everyone for all the positive feedback on this map. I have been tuning the map with small tweaks. I have removed the Sword and...