wow, so santa comes to give you presents in a swimsuite?! eww!!!
eh, dont know if i told you but im moving to arkansas, another state, up in the hills. youd think that id have a better cennection, but its just...
how have you been Linu? havnt talked in so long, thought id drop in and say hi.
be ready for it
you get the non premiums map?
sorry for having to boot you yesterday, GD started deleting stuff right whenever the game started, and then he kept coming back even after the...
i really have to apologize, as i see nothing past average with this map whatsoever, and you cant lie to me and tell me the gameplay is good when...
well, i dont know about model cars, but rubik's cubes are the most painful little trinkets ive ever delt with. they single handedly killed my self...
='( dang, sorry man. id hate not having my xbox for that long. maybe start saving all your change, it really adds up. and even if it isnt enough...
cool thanks.
so how did that cerberus idea ever flesh out?
when is it coming out? i heard it was this fall season
is bioshock2 gonna be at E3 at all? i just watched 2 hours of sony waiting for jack and his awesome plasmidy goodness, but was let down. *sheds a...
will it be the 4 week deal? i know a website that can fix up your xbox good as new. i did that and had red ring for 2 days.
thats pretty much what i did, but i also liked using the magnum alot. im pretty much an elemental guy, although i use incinerate and telekenisis...
you didnt trust me when i told you Journeys awesome. S:/ how did you design your character? fire, hacking, evil, shotgun, etc.
yea, you did, but you didnt specify how, so i assumed it was by the scare factor, which i had the false impression it was best known for.
i wasnt too big on the idea of the horror portion. you should have told me 2 of the only 3 rediculously scary parts were in the demo. i thought...
i know its old, but i wanted to know what you thought of this:YouTube - Bio Shock 2 - Big Sister (Game Trailer)
hey, i have the perfect motto for BBP, it reflects us and defines us and what-not. can you here it?