There's no viable method of curbing spam... you just have to live with it. Someone earlier in the thread mentioned "if a map stinks please...
@ Milk Assasin - An opinion is an opinion. Good that we both accept that :) @ Xylom - originally the grenade jump could be done off of the...
The map looks great. To be honest, I don't generally concern myself with the 'accuracy' of remakes, rather how they actually play in Halo 3, and...
Thanks for the feedback everyone Now I'm generally quite happy to take criticism... if it's constructive, but your comments are quite frankly...
I tried very hard to reduce the amount of short range weaponary, but I felt that the sword's existence obligated the inclusion of a shotgun....
I like how you've tried to bring in some originality with the ground based scorpion turrets, and this definately looks like a map where, with...
I thinl 'confusion' is a fairly valid criticism of the map. For a game to work, players need to know the map. I found it quite difficult to 'keep...
Kineticism "This ancient structure was once a triumph. Now its derelict ruins serve only to highlight human futility" [IMG] Kineticism is a...
Exactly. I think the lift needs a slightly more defined flow, as it just seems to propel me in whatever direction it chooses. I found it quite...
Don't take it upon yourself to be angry at someone over what you think has been 'stolen'. If it bothers you that much, surely a PM to the original...
I felt compelled to post on this thread for 2 reasons; 1) The map looks very interesting. Even from looking at the screenshots, I can see you've...
Fantastic... this map has really caught my eye. Since the earliest mentionings of Foundry, I've struggled to pull off an urban map. In some ways,...
The screenshots alone have convinced me to download this. The map looks fantastic, and I really like the idea of the centrepiece. Everything seems...
It seems like a fairly solid reworking of Sandbox's default concept. The only criticism I can really make based on your screenshots is that the...
This map looks like an excellent rendition of the traditional 2-base symmetrical theme. The addition of more mid-range weaponary, and the more...
I've actually had the pleasure of playing on this map. It really is great fun for 1 flag and 1 bomb... and I'd like to support Dynamic in that...
I live in London, and I can truly say that the whole idea of 2012 is frightening. The project is billions of pounds over budget, security is...
Well I'm English, and I've been verbally attacked countless times for my accent and origin by many Americans. On the flip side, I'm friends with a...
Both the idea AND execution behind this map looks fantastic. This is a definate download... very original looking map.
The interlocking looks good, and overall the map has a good FFA feel to it. The teleporter idea is also a great concept.