i have definitively seen and played this exact same map and like a month ago... honestly i don't think its yours im not saying it isnt but i...
this is by far and away the best ship ive ever seen your detail is incredible for the looks of both the outside and inside of the ship, how you...
looks like a great map with a great idea behing xpwx stealth is kinda right and wrong though there is interlocking, but very minimal and i would...
i played v1 and it was great!! v2 seems so much better great job and very creative original idea 5/5
thats a great original idea looks like some fun to play only because the humans sit there doing nothing 4/5
Im sure i didn't have modded stuff nope no message
thanx for the help but havig to accounts in at once and playing the map on both is easier. I hope i can get my maps on like a friends fileshare.
Bungie permanantly banned my filleshare for no reason. I had no bad or modded stuff on it and it got banned. Even though i have 3 maps i want to...
ANY1 WANNA SAY ANYTHING? or am i to hated
i am strait
thats amazing very original creative idea and result allow the the idea the map was pefeclty perfected 5/5 you should keep forging and brain...
you are going to need more pics because right now it looks like you really did nothing but add two shield doors and a spawn ill rate when you get...
it looks like a pretty good map very good and original idea a little more editing could make it a little better 5/5 v2 is a must you...
welcome to forgehub and not trying to be to criticall but here most of us spend more then 5 minutes on a map the map has nothing to it and is way...
first imbed your other screenshote because it will take literaly 3 seconds also there isn't much to your map you just blocked of exits and made...
please imbed your screenshots Heres how you do it 1-take your screenshot in theatre 2-go to bungie and look at your screeshots 3-find the ones...
seems like a great map very small though so i would take it it would be used more for like 3v3 also whats the ball in the middle of the triangle?
really good great layout and job one thing tbough is around the outside can't they hop out of the map with things like grenade bouncing
the top section is wayyyyyy to open you should add a little to it also changing some thing around and making this more complicated would make it...
can't really have an MLG asymetrical map other wise it looks pretty good but a little more pics would be useful last very very clean geo-merging...