[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] !!!!!!CORRECTION!!!!!! [IMG] Sorry for the dark arrows
I have 5... This is an easy one [IMG] Gettin' Harder... [IMG] Still Gettin' Harder... [IMG] This is a tough one... [IMG] OMG IT R NOT...
sad thing is, i do too lol
I do, its the 14th, so if its too late im fine with it, my GT is woggle1337 JUST as seen above, no capitals etc.
Can someone PM me to explain the fusion coil glitch a little clearer? im confused... yeah... confused :squirrel_wtf:
Floating fusion coil glitch? could you please explain? if you could link 5 - 6...well that would be amazing
Also do this quickly, being too slow can make it not work :squirrel_rocking:
Grifball is played with hammers anyway... great for exp, got 28 yesterday
w00t for griffball! we are going to get 200 xp in 3 days!!! wewt! Anyone else have plans for griffball? if so add:: Woggle1337 we can play...
I really like this idea...i like the trap door idea...cant Download atm cause at skewl
i agree w/ morphine... foundry has all the right materials...but green isnt the best color :squirrel_hug:
My friend has no problem at all with this... he did the save/quit method and basically made a floor under foundry and under water :squirrel_hug:
well...why dont you make the map yourself? if it takes 20 minuites to make.... youve spent more time here asking for someone else to do it..you...
i thought you could make 3RD team flags, like spawn points :squirrel_hug:
Yeah i really like the turkey one...make sure the spawn points are used and start points are properly placed
good idea, but i would suggest staggering the fusion coil launches so you dont have 7-8 flying at a time, or they blow each up in mid air...
:squirrel_chatting: a large cityscape area...with buildings well i tried...
Ladder would be great...and some objects where they go through all objects and when let go, they sit there, not fall :squirrel_giggle:
Very fun game... me and my friends play this...ALOT... and are they really going to add this to matchmaking? :squirrel_jaffa:
I am a Colonel grade 2, but i cant get my Team Doubles skill up past 40 because of lousy team mates, go figure...