I'm assuming the gametype has indestructible vehicles...
Yes, fire burns through objects. It impacts the ceiling and will damage anyone immediately on the floor of the next level.
In Reply to Others: Ah, good ol' grammar Nazis... Anyway, I have to say that this is one of the few maps I'm going to download nowadays. People...
D.L. In that case you should talk to a Mod/Admin. About the map though, simple. I like it. DL
I like that you made much of the map destructible though pallets and other movable objects. I will que for download. Out of habit: 9/10
Cool. I haven't played Cops 'n' Robbers since Lockout/Turf on Halo 2. I like that you gave the Cops alternate weaponry and also made a variety...
This is one of those maps that doesn't really need any interlocking. Anyway, I like the design. The wall in the center is original (from my...
I like the middle sword thing because I have always liked maps with good looking curved floors/ceilings. Could use some interlocking, but unlike...
I was a fan of CS, so this is pretty cool to me, but it could be neater. (4/5) Try remaking "Miami." That was my favorite map.
Wtf?!? OK... First off, I believe that your friend made this map. I don't like kid maps too much; Gets dull when you are the Alpha Zombie...
? ? ? WTF is wrong with you people?!?! Why don't you guys take this argument to MSN, PMs, or some chat box??? EDIT: Or the little forum on your...
wow I know. I've made a few... My final statement: If you're gonna DL, please do. If you're not, don't. You two are bickering like an old...
I'm sorry... but I'm not helpin' anybody... This is too damned funny to stop...
Damn, people! It's a good map. (I know, I've played it...) Although camping the scoring zones can be an issue, it's still fun. Interlocking's...
I'm gonna download it just because I liked the Halo 1 map so much. My question is "How did you solve the fact that Foundry doesn't have a death...
"Foundry?" Fail... (lol?) Anyway... I've always been a fan of loopty-loops (Or however you spell it.) The only problem is that loops usually send...
I don't think that it would. The corners are sharp frequent enough that it wouldn't see enough to be terribly effective. I think it would be...
Link doesn't work for me either... Please fix it. Other that that it looks like a great map!
Good job. I'll download. I've always liked the concept of multi-leveled gameplay. I've had an idea to build something down there a while ago but...
I have to say. You succeeded in your goal. It's very original. You have my download.