Awesome. So we can just find it on your fileshare then? Also if you play customs/make minigames it may be worthwhile to add you on live
Well it seems like your competitive map is well forged so we will keep tabs on it and perhaps feature if it we feel it plays well. As is our...
Ok cool, we will wait for the official release then. Or just let us know when its ready and we can prepare a video
Epishere looks like an awesome remake and if it all turns out well I'd love to run some tests and feature it on our YouTube channel. My gamertag...
Saw your map strongside and thought your post was awesome. My Gamertag is Oakley HiDef and I help run the THFE youtube channel. We almost have 60k...
sorry for the delay but I am in the middle of my finals week and havent had too much time to handle halo related stuff. Id speak with Psychoduck...
which map am I supposed to check out again
Got a review video for this on THFE "Act 2: The Streets" - YouTube
Got you up on THFE "Apartment 5b" - Aesthetic Feature - YouTube
sounds like a cool idea
ive got class till 4 est but might hop on later today
might be able to toss it on when we have invasion testing lobbies. Otherwise I think Able/yardbird are gonna try to get another custom gamertag...
yeah, id love to see what you have been working on
sorry, missed you earlier. Tomorrow we could do a forge session
yeah sure, I can try and get the latest versions up
yeah im on california time so west coast,I think its like 2-3 hours behind you
yeah this is a map made by epic shooter and sawtooth money so they have been in charge of the tweaks. The attic room only had two entrances before...
yeah I can try and take a look at it sometime
just send me a message on skype during the week. I should be done with classes bu 3pm my time everyday of the week
made a preview post. When you guys are ready just tell me and we can turn it into a feature post...