Looks like i did them...
I fixed it for the most part, think of this as a v1 all you guys giving me advice is really helpful in v2 i guess i will have to make this bigger...
I've tested it with for people and it did very well, yes there were spawn kills but not as much as you would think :) I'm going to be trying it...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Description: Made by MxS NicksMods, this map is very small and fun complete with wood floors a...
Can you change my name? if you could that would be great i would like it to be "NicksMods" (just like that) Thanks
Great map looks really enjoy able.
i have just the thing let me upload it to my fileshare
Really nice map i see how this will be fun for lots of people. looks great i'm going to download.
Good to know
actually of all the remakes I've played this one is closest to actual size and i didn't hide the gravs for a reason they were not hidden in the...
I joined a while back but was inactive but now i'm here and want to introduce myself; i mod halo 2 (starting halo 3) i am great at...
i havnt read any where about this or w/e but can one of you admins change my name to "NicksMods" please and thanks.
the pics are up enjoy
oh i thought you were a moderator :P okay i'll give him a pm.
can you move the warlock remake to competitive maps, i edited my posts and i will be getting pics up soon.
wow thanks, so when i get the link after i upload use the [IMG] bbcode thats simple enough thanks
how do i get i pic of my map without a capture card?
Made by "YourFriend ASD" GT: "Yourfriend ASD" Download and rate then comment here. "H3 WARLOCK" by Yourfriend ASD Halo 2's warlock map...
User Name(s): FH: (YourFriend ASD)GT: (YourFriend ASD) Map Name: TOSS ACROSS Did you read and follow instructions: Yes i followed the rules fine...
send me a link to your file share and i will test it