Add J redsox7 if you still want to get it.
All they give for pre-ordering is Johnson in firefight, right?
sure i'll add u too
k ill add you
Right now, I'm a 22 in dubs. Post here if you can help me out.
How does the switch work?
nice map, probably the best skate map i've seen so far. i like how everything connects (watch someone report this post too for no reason)
i was gonna make a killhouse map a while ago but couldnt really get it as good as i wanted nice job on this one
omg this looks amazing
I don't know why, but I really like how you placed the destinations. The pool and field goal look sick haha.
Can you see anything on it? Maps outside of Blackout are usually too dark...
Looks good. How far do they dumpsters shoot out to? Halfway to the other base?
Could I use this elevator in a map that I'm making if I give you credit for it?
I've just tried it. Besides the track being really short (two jumps, one banked turn) it's awesome. Nice job!
I like the idea of the second half spawning over the first half, really creative. I'm d/l-ing right now.
How much is Sony Vegas?
You should make it a King of the Hill variant that everyone spawns on the boxes, so it stays contested until everyone is knocked off except for...
It looks like you could get out of the map on top of the wall corner in the middle, but idk.
You got a good idea, but you should make the walls and boxes around the elevator closer together so it won't flip and you can't fall. And I don't...
Ok, that's different. Sounds like a fun map.