this looks like it would be extremely boring for the "fish". id recomend maybe having the fisherman vulnerable an example could be he has to jump...
Infinite health in the dead boxes, sorry, ill put that in the description
If you read the description fully, I stated that when you are in the dead box, you do no damage, so you cannot hurt anyone.
Another paintball game, yes. I modeled this after the local paintball arena, hence the name. So its instant kill, plasma pistols, high gravity....
download link is error'd
your maps are actually hard to drive, not challenging, but frustrating. good forging however
i take back what i said, theres enough cover
yes theres a roof, read the bold letters
um theres br's pistols msg's sword hammer brute shot rocket buncha frags plasmas and brutes trip mine regenerator bubble shield... i think thats...
odnt need no rep or nothing. just dont like gettin dissed is all
so, joking about the death pit makes it an attempt to advertise a "great feat"?
no its one box high. but i find that u just barely tap it
Yes, and yes.
Description: A small FFA slayer map. It's basically what the title says, garbage flowing, and spartan blood spilling. its small and it has...
Looks good. Nice interlocking. Im going to see if i can try it out with a big party oh btw, 4.5/5 i agree with the guy under me, nees more cover
Looks good, but just to inform you, you are required to have a description of your map on your post so...
actually there is a bit more cover but i couldnt get a good screeny of it
Description: Kamikaze is a small symetric (minor differences in the base design) map designed for MLG. It can be played with all MLG rules (Crazy...
interesting. lots of the things on this ive never seen before.
looks a little small...