I am doing a term paper on Forge and the communities that have been built because of it for my History and Culture of Games class (I am a game...
What I would love is for it to be as large as possible, and include a lot more building block type immovable objects, such as boxes, ramps,...
The problem might be similar to that, I started by creating the gametype from scratch again, and it is now working perfectly.
I just tried the map on slayer, and it worked, but for some reason they won't spawn on one sided VIP.
No, but some of them are placed in the green shelves on in the back rooms of foundry.
Yes, I also set the runtime minimum to 8, and set the spawn time to ten seconds.
Yea I have noticed that. I usually just save it as whatever the name of the map was followed by .1, if it happens again I just use .2, then .3,...
Is it possible to get into the hallways behind the back hallways on foundry? It might be possible to make some very interesting maps with those.
Some help here?
I was able to simply float the hill marker one wall width above the ground and set the "top" setting in the dimensions to zero, and then set the...
I would like to be able to lock the orientation of an object so that when it runs into a wall (while I am trying to place it), it does not rotate....
Today I started making a map for a Ghostbuster themed gametype. I decided to give the ghostbusters lazers, beam rifles, and sentinal beams. But...
One thing I have noticed about a lot of these "guide to" posts is that a lot of them say "do this or your map will suck," they are often right,...
Your method is good if you want orderly, standard type of play, but sometimes I don't want the player to be able to quickly switch to a frag...
I have a map I would enter, but I am to lazy to post a link to it (I don't even know how).
Symmetrical CTF, Territories, Slayer, and occaisonnaly oddball maps. That sounds like a lot, but the way I design them is very similar.
Instead of releasing the object, hold onto it until it is in position, then save and quit, start the game up again, and bam, it should be there.
Actually, improper use of spawn areas can cause serious camping problems (mostly on slayer). Another thing I find important is to make sure every...
What I would like is so that anyone that is in a vehicle is out of the hill, and everyone that is not is in the hill. I know that it is possible...
How can I make the entire floor be a part of the hill? Is it possible to set it so that anyone standing on the ground is in the hill, or do I just...