Really chaotic. The right side especially takes away from the focal.
Nice! Granted, I haven't visited this site in ages, but you hella improved home slice.
I really like that stock in the first one. But I still feel like the effects don't actually go with the focal. Not to mention it's never good to...
Well, I'd have to disagree. But that's cool. Thanks for the reply.
[IMG] I was just daydreamin'...about porn.
What exactly did you do? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but it looks like you just put a picture of a sniper on a gray background and added text...
Alright. Compo, I don't quite like how he's off to the left. Gives the right side too much empty space. Blending, you basically fixed already....
Nice effects. Not diggin' the compo, blending, or text though. Fix those up and it'll be alright.
I honestly don't see what's wrong with anime. If you do it well, then by all means, do it. But for the most part, I'm not feeling these tags much...
Colors don't fit in that well. Black and white version in your sig is a bit better. Effects aren't that nice. Doesn't look like you did much....
Coloring could have been better. Border isn't really suiting the tag, imo. Nice job none the less.
I don't know what the policy on bumping is here...but only 3 comments!? Where's the love. :(
^-- Yeah, 1 and 2 are a few months old I believe. But the others I made within the past few weeks or so. Thanks for the comments home skillets. ;D
Text could use some work. Also lighting. Hard to do with an anime render but hella adds to the depth. Effects could be better. All I see is some...
Ahhhh. What happened to the lengthy paragraph I wrote about detail!? Once again, kinda just looks like B/G+RENDER+TEXT. Efeeccttsss. Depptthhh....
It's pretty plain. Hella boring, imo. Kinda just looks like you slapped a render on the b/g and added some text. You need to add blending and...
I think ^^ meant this map? : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Try not to pick outa big bulky fonts, bro. Simple and clean looks alot better on a tag than big and distorted.
Alright bro. Heres my take on it. First of all, sharpen it up. It's hella blurry. Secondly, theres no focal. The little explosion or w/e the fck...